Why Use Drones

Gathering and using imagery is changing rapidly. From fixed wing to satellite, the technology has altered expectations and procedures. Over the last 30 years we have seen waves of new technology. Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or Drones (UAVs) change the way we can operate.

Drone Photographs give high resolution

UAVs are a Game Changer.

You get Fast Results – Imagery can be returned in a few days instead of weeks and in formats your team can consume immediately

On Specific Targets – Pick the places you are really interested in, don’t pay for the rest of the flight path

At Low Risk  – We are on your land for the least time, far from danger, at low cost

In High Resolution – The greatly enhanced detail level of our imagery enables you to better manage your assets and make decisions

Remote Capture Image in Australian Bush

Here are some reason why UAVs make business sense:

  • You can send out a low cost drone and keep your expensive experts back in the office to ‘see’ the land they manage from their desks.
  • Faster imagery will speed up your project – no waiting for aircraft scheduling and photographs to be processed offsite.
  • Light, simple technology can get into difficult places at low risk.
  • Lower overall cost makes it easy to re-visit the site for updated images and better management decisions.

In the years ahead UAVs will be used for more things and in new ways.

Many Roles